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Welcome to Roberts 在线



Earn Your Degree in Minutes!

You shouldn't have to stop living life just to earn a degree. 在罗伯茨, 美高梅mgm平台设计美高梅mgm平台的在线课程,以适应您的日程安排,这样您仍然可以享受您最喜欢的生活. 美高梅mgm平台灵活的课程格式使您能够在12-24个月内完成学位,100%在线! 之所以这样设计,是因为美高梅mgm平台知道你没有太多的时间可以分配, but you always have minutes! 这就是美高梅mgm平台的成年学生每天在拼车之间的空闲时间里追求梦想的方式, 洗衣, 菜, 下次董事会会议, and the list of life activities goes on. 罗伯茨的学生茁壮成长,因为他们仍然能够在获得学位的同时过自己的生活.
So, when our graduates look back, they can proudly say, “I did it. 我几分钟就做完了!”

Roberts 在线课程

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SARA Student Complaint Process

What Will You Do With Your Minutes?

你花在罗伯茨在线教育上的时间将决定你今后的生活方式. 课程作业完全沉浸在当今现代工作场所的现实中, 你将有独特的机会完成课堂作业,并在第二天的工作中应用你所学到的知识. 在罗伯茨, 你将得到来自众多行业的一些顶级领导者的指导,学习如何在你的特定行业取得成功, 同时也要建立一个持久的专业网络,可以把你从今天的位置带到明天你想要的位置.


获取更多信息 by clicking below to request details on our program admissions, 课程, 学费, 和更多的.


Learning 在线 at Roberts

Getting an education 在线 doesn’t mean you’ll be on your own. A Roberts education is a relational one, 这意味着你将有独特的机会通过亲密关系与有爱心的老师和同学联系和互动, 支持社区. 网络课堂可能看起来与传统的校园课堂有点不同, but rest assured—you’re one of us! 在罗伯茨,20多年来,美高梅mgm平台一直在帮助成年学生在网上改变他们的生活. 美高梅mgm平台知道不断变化的工作场所是什么样的,美高梅mgm平台也知道它的发展方向. 美高梅mgm平台不断增加的认证在线课程列表经过精心策划,与当今的专业人士相关, so they can be ready for the careers of tomorrow.


“罗伯茨的多样性在包容的氛围中促进了多维度的学习. Its mission embodies the holistic care reflected in the nursing profession."


“我发现罗伯茨组织管理在线课程非常适合我忙碌的生活! I have found the content to be very relevant to my everyday work."

An Investment You Can Afford

We know that a Roberts education is an investment worth making. 但美高梅mgm平台也理解成年学生返校时面临的经济问题. That's why we're committed to keeping our costs competitive across the board. 并且有广泛的选择,使你的教育成为一项负担得起的投资,包括联邦和纽约州的援助, 军事利益, employer 学费 assistance, our Corporate 合作伙伴hips 程序, and program scholarships—we work hard to help you maximize your financial aid. 每年,罗伯茨大学都会为超过75%的成年学生提供经济援助. Because we don't want anything to keep you from the life you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

是的! Roberts is a transfer-friendly institution, 提供各种各样的方法来帮助你现有的大学学分(或学士学位完成学生的合格生活和职业经历)计入你的学位. 美高梅mgm平台认为任何人都不应该把时间和金钱花在他们不需要的贷款上, 所以美高梅mgm平台是来帮忙的. Opportunities vary by program of interest, 因此,请访问招生页面,了解您的具体项目的更多细节.

We know your minutes are valuable, so we offer a straight-forward, 简化的录取流程,帮助您快速申请和收到决定. With zero application fees and no entrance exams, you have nothing to lose—and your biggest dreams to gain.

  • Choose your program of interest.
  • Complete a FREE 在线 application.
  • Send in relevant transcripts (varies by program)
  • Complete any additional application requirements (varies by program)
  • 在完成所有申请要求后,您将很快收到决定!

As an 在线 Roberts student, you will be a part of an intimate, 支持社区获得相同的学位,并向相同的专家教师学习,就像你在传统课堂上一样. 你的在线教育看起来和传统的大学学习经历很相似, but with these distinctions:

  • 而不是常规的, in-person class sessions, you will follow a weekly rhythm of reading, watching occasional videos from your instructor, 参与在线讨论,与同学联系,加深你的学习经验.
  • 对于某些课程, 您将有机会通过视频会议与教师和同学进行实时互动.
  • 你将能够在周内完成作业,在你的时间表内.
  • 你可以计划每周花12-15个小时在课程上(或4-5个小时/学分).
  • Through your 在线 course pages, you will have access to all the resources you need to be successful, including the Golisano 图书馆, 学习中心, 和IT支持.

As an 在线 Roberts student, you're one of ours. You are a part of the entire Roberts community, 在你的教育之旅的每一步,你都会得到你需要的个人支持. 所有的课程都以在线导向开始,这将帮助你成为一个成功的在线学习者, 在学习过程中,你会定期与老师和同学互动,获得必要的支持. 您还将收到:

  • Unlimited access to the Golisano library, including an abundance of 在线 resources, 数据库, 研究指南, and interlibrary loan options.
  • 24/7 access to 在线 librarian assistance. If t在这里 are no Golisano librarians available, 您可以从另一个图书馆的图书管理员那里获得帮助,他们可以通过在线聊天系统访问美高梅mgm平台的资源.
  • One-on-one support from 学习中心, including individualized academic support, peer tutoring and study groups, 写作中心, 和ESL支持.
  • 24/7 access to technical support from IT.

罗伯茨在线教育是许多成年人和专业人士的答案,他们在繁忙的日程中努力为伟大的梦想腾出空间. To determine whether an 在线 education is right for you, we've identified key strengths, 特征, 以下的情况可以帮助你评估你是否准备好在网络环境中学习. You are likely a good candidate for 在线 learning if:

  • You are self-motivated and goal-driven.
  • You have good time-management skills.
  • You are self-disciplined and can meet deadlines on your own.
  • You prefer to have more time to reflect before answering a question.
  • Your schedule prevents you from attending a regular in-person class session.
  • Transportation is an issue for you.
  • You have a current computer and reliable internet connection.

想象一下,在一个你经常被真正关心你和你的个人目标的教职员工包围的地方学习, and who continuously pour their time and expertise into helping you succeed. 作为一个致力于丰富的基督教传统和尊重上帝的多样性的社区, 美高梅mgm平台相信最好的教育是针对每个人的整体,就像身体一样, 心理, 社会, 理性的, 精神存在.

美高梅mgm平台的学生来自许多不同的信仰背景,具有不同的宗教和精神观点. 作为罗伯茨的学生, you can trust and know that you are welcome, 那就是你的想法, 信仰的角度来看, and/or worldview will always be respected, whatever your path at Roberts.

不时地, our faculty and staff may pray for you, 对于你的班级, or even with you (if desired), especially during difficult times. You will never have to face anything alone at Roberts.